This is a basic primer on the chakra system and the basic meanings associated with them. Reiki practitioners work with chakras by scanning them, balancing them, clearing them, stimulating them and modulating their flow. Some of us literally see them when we work, others of us perceive them as movement or wind, still others get imaginative impressions of what they appear like. No matter how they appear to the practitioner, there is basic information to understand about them.
Chakra is sanskrit for wheel. There are seven major chakras in the human body. They serve as conduits for the ocean of universal energy that we exist in. I like to picture them like valves that run in both directions – in and out. Their purpose is to manage the flow of universal energy in and out of your system.
These are not physical structures, but they do have physical correspondences. The endocrine system is the physical correspondence of the chakras.
Straight on, they look sort of like wheels, hence their name, but if you saw them from the side, they would appear more like funnels. They are all connected together energetically by the central channel, which appears like a white line down the center of our bodies. Besides having a physical correspondence, they also have a relationship to with our emotional and psychological selves. According to ancient traditions, they develop from the root to the crown over the life span, in 7 year increments. So, when you are around 49, they are all formed.
When I was first introduced to chakras many years ago, I did not believe they existed. I thought is simply the remnant of an ancient but medically unsophisticated culture’s attempt to understand anatomy. Yet, over the decades, I have shifted in my thinking, mostly due to extended time learning energy work, body work and yoga. The chakras are conceptual, but I believe there is wisdom in this ancient theory of human energy. Now, when I meditate and practice Reiki on myself, I see their associated colors. Often in session with clients, I see the colors of the chakra quite unexpectedly like the rainbows cast by prisms. Inevitably, when we start to understand the relationship between the chakra and issues, physical or emotional that a person faces, the work we do to balance, clear or stimulate the chakras becomes meaningful and important.
The Root
Muladhara or the Root Chakra
- Red color
- element: earth
- develops from age 1-7
- kidneys, adrenals
- security, foundations of life, trust in life, ability to manifest what you need
The Sacral
Svadhisthana or the Sacral Chakra
- Orange color
- element: water
- develops between at 7-14
- sexual organs and bladder
- emotions, self worth, sexuality, open expression, being able to give and receive
The Solar Plexus
Manipura or the Solar Plexus Chakra
- Yellow color
- element: fire
- develops at age 14-21
- spleen, liver, gall bladder, pancreas
- power, control, relationships, empathy, activity, ability to accept others
The Heart
Anahata or the Heart Chakra
- Emerald green color
- element: air
- develops at age 21-28
- thymus and the physical heart
- unconditional love, compassion, healing, warmth, abillity to transform energies with love
The Throat
Vissudha or the Throat Chakra
- Sky or royal blue color
- element: ether
- develops at age 28-33
- thyroid and vocal cords
- communication, expression, creativity, ability to speak your truth, a connection to the outside world
The Third Eye
Anja or the Third Eye Chakra
- Violet color
- element: none
- develops at age 33-42
- pituitary gland
- conscious perception, higher mind, intellect and intuition
The Crown
Sahasrara or the Crown Chakra
- White or gold color
- element: none
- develops at age 42-29
- pineal gland
- self realization, human perfection, awareness of the eternal self